Faculté des Science et Technologie (FST)

Undergraduate course, Université de Lorraine, 2014

Computer science courses

Algorithmic and Programming

  • Student: BAC + 1, BAC + 2
  • Language: Python anc C

Computer graphics

  • Student: BAC + 1
  • Language: C

Web programming

  • Student: BAC + 1, BAC + 3
  • Language: HTML, CSS, Js, PHP, …


  • Student: BAC + 2, BAC + 3
  • Language: mySQL and PL/SQL

Software engineering

  • Student: BAC + 3
  • Tool: Web and mobile design, modeling and web frameworks

Software engineering

  • Student: BAC + 3
  • Competence: Web and mobile design, modeling and web frameworks

Algorithms and complexity

  • Student: Master 1
  • Competence: Recursivity, graph theory, P and NP problems, NP-complete

Combinatorial optimization

  • Student: Master 1
  • Competence: Simplex algorithm, duality, PLNE

Web services

  • Student: Master 2
  • Laguage: Java

Image processing and analysis

  • Student: Master 2
  • Laguage and tools: C/C++ and OpenCV